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The Fundamentals of Professional Sales (FOPS) Program Description The Fundamentals of Professional Sales Program provide the foundational knowledge and practices in nine (9) core competencies and key performance areas required to be a high-performing sales professional. For the persons who are just entering the field of sales and are looking for a solid start, as [...]
The Fundamentals of Sales Management (FOSM) Program Description “There is nothing that can bring about a more rapid increase and improvement in sales results than an improvement in the skill and ability of the sales manager” – Brian Tracy The sales manager is responsible for arguably, the most important team in the business. Yet the [...]
Sales Prospecting Course Course Description Almost every failure to perform in sales can be traced back to one's prospecting skills and discipline. The ability to keep the pipeline full is a requirement for sales success. It is the fruits of prospecting that provide the earnings for salespeople. In this workshop, you will understand the four [...]